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EN420  General requirements

A glove is an item to safeguard hands and its parts. A glove can cover part of the forearm and the arm. The performance level (usually a number from 0 to 5) indicates the behaviour of the glove to a specific test. Thus it is possible to classify the result of such a test. Level "X" indicates that the glove was not tested for the concerned risk and level "O" indicates that the glove did not pass the minimum requirements test. A higher number means higher performance level.


  • a - resistance to abrasion (0-4)
  • b - resistance to cutting by blade (0-5)
  • c- resistance to tearing (0-4)
  • d - resistance to perforation (0-4)
  • e- resistance to cut EN ISO (A-F)
  • f - impact protection EN (PASSED OR FAILED)


  • Passing time > 30 min for at least 3 chemicals from the list below: A (Methanol), B (Acetone), C (Acetonitrile), D (Dichloromethane), E (Carbon disulfide), F (Toluene), G (Diethylamine), H (Tetrahydrofuran ether), I (Ethyl acetate), J (n-heptane), K (Sodium hydroxide 40%), L (Sulphuric acid 96%)


  • The glove was tested and verified for resistance to cold.
  1 2 3 4
A. Cold convection . thermal insulation  1<0,10   1,10<l<0,15
 B. Cold contact . thermal resistance  R<0,025    0,025<R<0,050  0,050<R<0,100  0,100<R<0,150  0,150<R
 C. Water penetration test  Failed    Passed  - - -


  • This symbol indicates that the glove was tested and verified for resistance property for transfer of micro-organism in laboratory testing.


  • a - Fire behaviour
  • b - Resistance to contact heat
  • c - Resistance to convection heat
  • d - Resistance to radiant heat
  • e - Resistance to small splashes of molten metal
  • f - Resistance to large projections of molten metal

Standars of protection glove

EN388 mechanical risks


  • a - resistance to abrasion: indicated by the number of cycles withstood by the test glove.
  • b - Resistance to cutting (knife): indicated by the number of steps needed to cut the test glove at a constant speed.
  • c - Resistance to tearing: the force needed to tear the test glove.
  • d - Resistance to perforation: the force needed to perforate the glove with a Standard size tip.
  • e - Resistance to cut: new procedure for the cutting test also determines whether loss blade edge occurs. If a reduction of the blade edge, the new test method EN ISO 13997 becomes the reference, while the cutting test is only indicative.
  • f - Impact protection: test method for areas claiming impact protection. P to overcome, and no code is applied in case of failure.
  • In the first four cases, zero indicates the lowest level of protection set out in the following table:

Performance index

0 2 3 4 5
a Resistance to abrasion (cycles) <100  100  500  2000 8000
b Resistance to cutting (factor) <1.2 1.2 2.5  5.0 10.0 20.0
c Resistance to tearing (Newton) <10 10  25  50 75
d Resistance to perforation (Newton) <20  20  60  100 150

e Resistance to cut EN ISO (Newton) 2 5 10 15 22 30
f Impact protection EN Passed or failed

EN407 Thermal protection

All these tests are optional, the presence of an X in place of one of these digits indicates that the resistance of the glove to this particular risk is not tested.

  • a - Resistance to fire: it is based on the passage of time in which the test material is on fire and then incandescent after the fire has been put off.
  • b - Resistance to contact heat: It is based on a temperature limit (100°C -500°C) that a user can withstand without pain for a period of at least 15 seconds.
  • c - Resistance to convection heat It is based on the time period during which the glove is able to delay the transmission of heat generated by a flame.
  • d - Resistance to radiant heat The time needed for the glove to reach a certain temperature.
  • e - Resistance to small splashes of metal. The number of molten metal droplets needed to bring the glove to a certain temperature.
  • f - Resistance to large projections of molten metal The quantity (weight) of molten metal needed to cause flattening or perforate a simulated human skin placed directly under the test glove.
  • g - Performance level is indicated with an index that ranges from 1 to 4. In addition all gloves must comply to minimum performance level 1 for resistance to abrasion and tugging (tear).

Performance index

2 3 4
test b resistance to contact heat >100ºC  >250ºC >350ºC >500ºC
test b resistance to contact heat >15 seg.  >15 seg. >15 seg. >15 seg.


Designation code Classification
I Footwear made with leather and other materials, excluding all-rubber and all-polymer footwear.
II All-rubber (vulcanised) and all-polymer moulded footwear.
  • SB: BASIC MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS, steel toecap with 200 J energy absorption, sole in any material.
  • S1: BASIC REQUIREMENTS, antistatic, energy absorption in the heel.
  • S2: BASIC REQUIREMENTS, S1 + upper resistant to water absorption.
  • S3: BASIC REQUIREMENTS, S2 + anti-puncture lamina , soleplate with metatarsus protection.
  • S4: TYPE II, antistatic, energy absorption in the heel.
  • S5: S4 + anti-puncture lamina , soleplate with metatarsus protection.

SB S1  S2  S3 S4 S5
A Antiestatic footwear
E Energy absorption at the heel
X  X X  X X 
WRU Upper resistant to penetration and water absorption - -  - -
P Puncture resistant - X - X
CI Cold insulation - - - -
HI Heat insulation - - -
C Conducting footwear -              - -
HRO ConductingG footwear -              - -

X: Denotes that the specified features are present.

Skid resistance:

  • SRA: test with ceramic sole with water and detergent
  • SRB: test with steel and glycerine sole
  • SRC: SRA + SRB


The "CE" marking is not enough to determine the quality of footwear and the symbols also need to be analysed. The standard does not indicate the upper type, it could be leather or synthetic. Sole with adhesion (anti-slip) coefficient is compulsory only in S3 type.

EN20346 protective footwear same as EN20345 except that the toecap can withstand 100J

EN20347 work footwear without steel toecap for professional work.

EN345, EN346, EN347.

The standards set forth are still valid for models certified prior to the EN20345 / EN20346 / EN20347 standard


EN340 General Standard for Clothing

It is a reference standard related to clothing referred to in all specific protective clothing standards. It specifies general requirements for the ergonomics, innocuousness of the materials and information provided by the manufacturer.


  • EN342: Standard for protective clothing against cold at temperatures under -5°C (for example, extreme cold or cold storage rooms).
  • EN:14058: -5ºC.

EN 471 High Visibility Clothing Standard


Depending on its characteristics, clothing which is considered high visibility can belong to one of three classes which are indicated by the standard.

  • CLASS 3: The refractive strip must have a minimum height of at least 50 mm and a total minimum surface area of at least 0.20 sq m. The fluorescent background material must have a surface area of at least of 0.80 sq. m.
  • CLASE2: The refractive strip must have a minimum height of at least 50 mm and a total minimum surface area of at least 0.13 sq m. The fluorescent background material must have a surface area of at least of 0.50 sq. m.
  • CLASS 1: The reflective strip must have a minimum surface area of 0.10 sq. m. The fluorescent background material must have a surface area of at least of 0.14 sq. m.

For example, garments such as jackets and pants are in class 3, high visibility colour sleeved jackets are in class 2, life jackets are in class 2, while suspenders fall in class 1.

In addition to surface area requirements, certain regulations regarding location, distance of the reflective strips and minimum risks of discontinuity between the strips must be followed. For example, if you wear a certified jacket that is open with a break in reflective strip of more than 3 cm, it is as if you are wearing an non-certified jacket.

In this regard, a similarly certified vest or T-shirt should also be worn under the jacket or shirt.

Cleaning is also important. When a garment is dirty, it loses its high visibility properties and must be washed. Washing cycles that the garment can resist without losing its features must be indicated in the marking.

Marking: The markings on the clothing label should indicate:

  • Brand or identification marks of the manufacturer or representative
  • Name or product code
  • Size
  • Reference standard
  • Maintenance instructions no of washing cycles
  • Pictogram

Pictogram where the first number (X) indicates the class of material and the second number (Y) indicates the class of the refractive strip such as the coefficient of luminous intensity.

EN343 Standard for protective clothing against foul weather

  • X= Waterproofness
  • Y= Water steam resistance

This standard specifies requirements and test methods applicable to the materials and the seams of clothing for protection against foul weather (rain, snow), fog and soil moisture.


Waterproofing (Wp) in Pascal: measurement is carried out by exposing the external material and seams of the garment to water pressure (980 x/-50) Pa/min. Divided into 2 levels (1 to 2) from least to most waterproof.

Water steam resistance (RET) in (M².PA) /WP: measures resistance to evaporation. The greater the resistance to steam, more the barrier for water steam: a breathable product has a low resistance to evaporation. Divided into 3 levels (1 to 3) from least to most breathable.

EN 381 Standard for protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws

The law regulates level of protection in relation to the chain speed and the surface of the protective clothing:

  • EN381-5: requirements for the protection of legs
  • EN381-7: requirements for the protection of gloves
  • EN381-9: requirements for the protection of leggings
  • EN381-11: requirements for the protection of jackets

Depending upon the chainsaw speed, the product is classified into one of the 4 classes:

  • Class 0: 16 meter per second
  • Class 1: 20 meter per second
  • Class 2: 24 meter per second
  • Class 3: 28 meter per second


Size Measurement

The customer must use these tables to check the size they need and make sure that you can dress up with our clothing.

The measurements provided in the tables are anatomical measurements taken from the naked human body and not the garment as such. When we make a garment, we need to add a clearance to provide the convenience and comfort you need. This clearance varies according to the design, fabric, sex, etc. , making it into a more or less fitted garment.